Azure Cloud Billing Integration

Connecting your Azure account to Kubecost allows you to view Kubernetes metrics side-by-side with out-of-cluster (OOC) costs (e.g. Azure Database Services). Additionally, it allows Kubecost to reconcile measured Kubernetes spend with your actual Azure bill. This gives teams running Kubernetes a complete and accurate picture of costs. For more information, read Cloud Billing Integrations and this blog post.

To configure Kubecost's Azure Cloud Integration, you will need to set up daily exports of cost reports to Azure storage. Kubecost will then access your cost reports through the Azure Storage API to reconcile Kubernetes costs and display your cloud cost data.

A GitHub repository with sample files used in below instructions can be found here.

Step 1: Export Azure cost report

Azure Cost Management is not available for all offer types. Review the Azure documentation, Understand Cost Management data, to learn more.

Follow Azure's Create and Manage Exported Data tutorial to export cost reports and use the following configuration:

  • For 'Type of data' select Cost and usage details (amortized)

  • Provide a meaningful name for the 'Export name'

  • For 'Dataset version' select 2021-10-01

  • For 'Frequency' select Daily export of month-to-date costs

  • For 'Format' select CSV

  • For 'Compression' select None

Take note of the Storage Account name and Container specified when choosing where to export the data to. Note that a successful cost export will require Microsoft.CostManagementExports to be registered in your subscription.

It will take a few hours to generate the first report, after which Kubecost can use the Azure Storage API to pull that data.

Once the cost export has successfully executed, verify that a non-empty CSV file has been created at this path: <STORAGE_ACCOUNT>/<CONTAINER_NAME>/<OPTIONAL_CONTAINER_PATH>/<COST_EXPORT_NAME>/<DATE_RANGE>/<CSV_FILE>.

Step 2: Provide access to Azure Storage API

Obtain the following values from Azure to provide to Kubecost. These values can be located in the Azure Portal by selecting Storage Accounts, then selecting your specific Storage account for details.

  • azureSubscriptionID is the "Subscription ID" belonging to the Storage account which stores your exported Azure cost report data.

  • azureStorageAccount is the name of the Storage account where the exported Azure cost report data is being stored.

  • azureStorageAccessKey can be found by selecting Access keys in your Storage account left navigation under "Security + networking". Using either of the two keys will work.

  • azureStorageContainer is the name that you chose for the exported cost report when you set it up. This is the name of the container where the CSV cost reports are saved in your Storage account.

  • azureContainerPath is an optional value which should be used if there is more than one billing report that is exported to the configured container. The path provided should have only one billing export because Kubecost will retrieve the most recent billing report for a given month found within the path.

  • azureCloud is an optional value which denotes the cloud where the storage account exist, possible values are public and gov. The default is public.

Next, create a JSON file which must be named cloud-integration.json with the following format:

    "azure": [
            "azureSubscriptionID": "AZ_cloud_integration_subscriptionId",
            "azureStorageAccount": "AZ_cloud_integration_azureStorageAccount",
            "azureStorageAccessKey": "AZ_cloud_integration_azureStorageAccessKey",
            "azureStorageContainer": "AZ_cloud_integration_azureStorageContainer",
            "azureContainerPath": "",
            "azureCloud": "public"

Next, create the Secret:

$ kubectl create secret generic <SECRET_NAME> --from-file=cloud-integration.json -n kubecost

Next, ensure the following are set in your Helm values:

  cloudIntegrationSecret: <SECRET_NAME>

Next, upgrade Kubecost via Helm:

$ helm upgrade kubecost kubecost/cost-analyzer -n kubecost -f values.yaml

You can verify a successful configuration by checking the following in the Kubecost UI:

  • The Assets dashboard will be broken down by Kubernetes assets.

  • The Assets dashboard will no longer show a banner that says "External cloud cost not configured".

  • The Diagnostics page (via Settings > View Full Diagnostics) view will show a green checkmark under Cloud Integrations.

Troubleshooting and debugging

To troubleshoot a configuration that is not yet working:

  • $ kubectl get secrets -n kubecost to verify you've properly configured cloud-integration.json.

  • $ helm get values kubecost to verify you've properly set .Values.kubecostProductConfigs.cloudIntegrationSecret

  • Verify that a non-empty CSV file has been created at this path in your Azure Portal Storage Account: <STORAGE_ACCOUNT>/<CONTAINER_NAME>/<OPTIONAL_CONTAINER_PATH>/<COST_EXPORT_NAME>/<DATE_RANGE>/<CSV_FILE>. Ensure new CSVs are being generated every day.

  • When opening a cost report CSV, ensure that there are rows in the file that do not have a MeterCategory of “Virtual Machines” or “Storage” as these items are ignored because they are in cluster costs. Additionally, make sure that there are items with a UsageDateTime that matches the date you are interested in.

Last updated