Multi-Cluster Diagnostics

This feature is currently in beta. It is enabled by default.

Multi-Cluster Diagnostics offers a single view into the health of all the clusters you currently monitor with Kubecost.

Health checks include, but are not limited to:

  1. Whether Kubecost is correctly emitting metrics

  2. Whether Kubecost is being scraped by Prometheus

  3. Whether Prometheus has scraped the required metrics

  4. Whether Kubecost's ETL files are healthy


# This is an abridged example. Full example in link below.
  enabled: true
    enabled: true  # Only enable this on your primary Kubecost cluster

# Ensure you have configured a unique CLUSTER_ID.
        cluster_id: YOUR_CLUSTER_ID
  clusterName: YOUR_CLUSTER_ID

# Ensure you have configured a storage config secret.
  federatedStorageConfigSecret: federated-store

Additional configuration options can found in the values.yaml under diagnostics:.


The Multi-Cluster Diagnostics feature is a process run within the kubecost-cost-analyzer deployment. It has the option to be run as an independent deployment for higher availability via .Values.diagnostics.deployment.enabled.

When run in each Kubecost deployment, it monitors the health of Kubecost and sends that health data to the central object store at the /diagnostics filepath. The below diagram depicts these interactions. This diagram is specific to the requests required for diagnostics only. For additional diagrams, see our multi-cluster guide.

Health Check Definitions

The API response includes several health checks that validate different aspects of your Kubecost deployment. If you see repeated failures for any health check, there is potential for data loss. Please refer to the table below to resolve the issue.

Health Check








Validates that no pods in the namespace Kubecost is deployed to have OutOfMemoryKilled errors. If failing, check all pods in the namespace Kubecost is deployed to. Review logs of the failing pod. Reach out to Kubecost support for additional assistance.


Validates that no pods in the namespace Kubecost is deployed to are in a Pending state. If failing, check all pods in the namespace Kubecost is deployed to. Run a kubectl describe on all Deployments and StatefulSets to understand the controller events. Reach out to Kubecost support for additional assistance.


Validates that PersistentVolume utilization is below 80%. If failing, increase the PersistentVolume size.

API Usage

The diagnostics API can be accessed on the primary via /model/diagnostics/multicluster?window=1d.

The window query parameter is required, which will return all diagnostics within the specified time window.

Multi-cluster Diagnostics API

GET http://<your-kubecost-address>/model/multi-cluster-diagnostics

The Multi-cluster Diagnostics API provides a single view into the health of all the clusters you currently monitor with Kubecost.

Path Parameters




Duration of time over which to query. Accepts words like today, week, month, yesterday, lastweek, lastmonth; durations like 30m, 12h, 7d; comma-separated RFC3339 date pairs like 2021-01-02T15:04:05Z,2021-02-02T15:04:05Z; comma-separated Unix timestamp (seconds) pairs like 1578002645,1580681045.

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "overview": {
            "kubecostEmittingMetricDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "prometheusHasKubecostMetricDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "prometheusHasCadvisorMetricDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "prometheusHasKSMMetricDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "dailyAllocationEtlHealthyDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "dailyAssetEtlHealthyDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "kubecostPodsNotOOMKilledDiagnosticPassed": true,
            "kubecostPodsNotPendingDiagnosticPassed": false,
            "costModelStorageStatsDiagnosticPassed": true
        "clusters": [
                "clusterId": "cluster_one",
                "latestRun": "2024-03-01T22:42:32Z",
                "kubecostVersion": "prod-2.6.0",
                "kubecostEmittingMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "successful query to http://localhost:9003/metrics"
                "prometheusHasKubecostMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "kubecost metric exists: absent_over_time(node_total_hourly_cost[5m])"
                "prometheusHasCadvisorMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "cAdvisor metric exists: absent_over_time(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container='cost-model', container!='POD', instance!=''}[5m])"
                "prometheusHasKSMMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "ksm metric exists: absent_over_time(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource='memory', unit='byte'}[5m])"
                "dailyAllocationEtlHealthy": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all daily allocation ETL are healthy: kubecost_allocation_data_status{resolution='daily', status='error'} \u003e 0"
                "dailyAssetEtlHealthy": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all asset ETL are healthy: kubecost_asset_data_status{resolution='daily', status='error'} \u003e 0"
                "kubecostPodsNotOOMKilled": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all pods in kubecost namespace sufficient memory"
                "kubecostPodsNotPending": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all pods in kubecost namespace running"
                "costModelStorageStats": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "CostAnalyzer PV utilization lower than 80%. Total=31949.77MiB. Used=13.68MiB"
                "clusterId": "cluster_two",
                "latestRun": "2024-03-01T22:40:17Z",
                "kubecostVersion": "prod-2.6.0",
                "kubecostEmittingMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "successful query to http://localhost:9003/metrics"
                "prometheusHasKubecostMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "kubecost metric exists: absent_over_time(node_total_hourly_cost[5m])"
                "prometheusHasCadvisorMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "cAdvisor metric exists: absent_over_time(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container='cost-model', container!='POD', instance!=''}[5m])"
                "prometheusHasKSMMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "ksm metric exists: absent_over_time(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource='memory', unit='byte'}[5m])"
                "dailyAllocationEtlHealthy": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all daily allocation ETL are healthy: kubecost_allocation_data_status{resolution='daily', status='error'} \u003e 0"
                "dailyAssetEtlHealthy": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all asset ETL are healthy: kubecost_asset_data_status{resolution='daily', status='error'} \u003e 0"
                "kubecostPodsNotOOMKilled": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all pods in kubecost namespace sufficient memory"
                "kubecostPodsNotPending": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": false,
                    "numFailures": 52,
                    "firstFailureDate": "2024-03-01T18:25:09Z",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "RunDiagnostic: checkKubecostPodsNotPending: queryPrometheusCheckResultEmpty: the following query returned a non-empty result sum(kube_pod_status_phase{namespace='kubecost-etl-fed', phase='Pending'}) by (pod,namespace) > 0"
                "costModelStorageStats": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "CostAnalyzer PV utilization lower than 80%. Total=31949.77MiB. Used=13.68MiB"
                "clusterId": "cluster_three",
                "latestRun": "2024-03-01T22:42:32Z",
                "kubecostVersion": "prod-2.6.0",
                "kubecostEmittingMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "successful query to http://localhost:9003/metrics"
                "prometheusHasKubecostMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "kubecost metric exists: absent_over_time(node_total_hourly_cost[5m])"
                "prometheusHasCadvisorMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "cAdvisor metric exists: absent_over_time(container_memory_working_set_bytes{container='cost-model', container!='POD', instance!=''}[5m])"
                "prometheusHasKSMMetric": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "ksm metric exists: absent_over_time(kube_pod_container_resource_requests{resource='memory', unit='byte'}[5m])"
                "dailyAllocationEtlHealthy": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all daily allocation ETL are healthy: kubecost_allocation_data_status{resolution='daily', status='error'} \u003e 0"
                "dailyAssetEtlHealthy": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all asset ETL are healthy: kubecost_asset_data_status{resolution='daily', status='error'} \u003e 0"
                "kubecostPodsNotOOMKilled": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "all pods in kubecost namespace sufficient memory"
                "kubecostPodsNotPending": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": false,
                    "numFailures": 52,
                    "firstFailureDate": "2024-03-01T18:24:42Z",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "RunDiagnostic: checkKubecostPodsNotPending: queryPrometheusCheckResultEmpty: the following query returned a non-empty result sum(kube_pod_status_phase{namespace='kubecost-etl-fed', phase='Pending'}) by (pod,namespace) > 0"
                "costModelStorageStats": {
                    "diagnosticPassed": true,
                    "numFailures": 0,
                    "firstFailureDate": "",
                    "diagnosticOutput": "CostAnalyzer PV utilization lower than 80%. Total=31949.77MiB. Used=13.68MiB"

Last updated