Cluster Right-Sizing Recommendation API

Kubecost's Cluster Right-Sizing Recommendation API can monitor the resource utilization of your clusters and offer cost-effective right-sizing solutions.

Cluster Right-Sizing Recommendation API

GET http://<your-kubecost-address>/model/savings/clusterSizingETL

Path Parameters





float in the range (0, 1]

Target CPU/RAM utilization which parallels environment profiles. For reference, Development should equal .80, Production should equal .65, and High Availability should equal .5. Also supports custom values within the range.



Minimum node count to be recommended which parallels environment profiles. For reference, Development should equal 1, Production should equal 2, and High Availability should equal 3. Also supports custom values within the range.



Whether you want to allow shared core node types to be included in your recommendation. Accepts true or false.



Accepts x86 or ARM. Currently, ARM is only supported on AWS clusters.

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "cluster-one": {
            "recommendations": {
                "multi": {
                    "pools": [
                            "type": {
                                "provider": "GCP",
                                "name": "f1-micro",
                                "vCPUs": 0.2,
                                "RAMGB": 0.6,
                                "hourlyPrice": 0.0076,
                                "spotHourlyPrice": 0.0035,
                                "sharedCore": true,
                                "architecture": "x86",
                                "region": "us-west1",
                                "pricePerRAMByteHr": 3.946013748645783e-12,
                                "pricePerCPUCoreHr": 0.031611,
                                "spotPricePerRAMByteHr": 8.307397365570068e-13,
                                "spotPricePerCPUCoreHr": 0.006655
                            "count": 3,
                            "totalMonthlyCost": 16.644,
                            "totalRAMGB": 1.7999999999999998,
                            "totalVCPUs": 0.6000000000000001
                            "type": {
                                "provider": "GCP",
                                "name": "n1-highcpu-2",
                                "vCPUs": 2,
                                "RAMGB": 1.8,
                                "hourlyPrice": 0.049594019999999996,
                                "spotHourlyPrice": 0.014915600000000001,
                                "sharedCore": false,
                                "architecture": "x86",
                                "region": "us-west1",
                                "pricePerRAMByteHr": 2.7622096240520478e-12,
                                "pricePerCPUCoreHr": 0.0221277,
                                "spotPricePerRAMByteHr": 8.307397365570068e-13,
                                "spotPricePerCPUCoreHr": 0.006655
                            "count": 1,
                            "totalMonthlyCost": 36.203634599999994,
                            "totalRAMGB": 1.8,
                            "totalVCPUs": 2
                    "nodeCount": 4,
                    "monthlySavings": 20.5239354,
                    "totalMonthlyCost": 52.84763459999999,
                    "requiredRAMGB": 2.7075592279434204,
                    "totalRAMGB": 3.5999999999999996,
                    "utilizationRAMGB": 0.752099785539839,
                    "requiredVCPUs": 1.9305600746179477,
                    "totalVCPUs": 2.6,
                    "utilizationVCPUs": 0.7425231056222875
                "single": {
                    "pools": [
                            "type": {
                                "provider": "GCP",
                                "name": "n1-standard-1",
                                "vCPUs": 1,
                                "RAMGB": 3.75,
                                "hourlyPrice": 0.033249825,
                                "spotHourlyPrice": 0.01,
                                "sharedCore": false,
                                "architecture": "x86",
                                "region": "us-west1",
                                "pricePerRAMByteHr": 2.7622096240520478e-12,
                                "pricePerCPUCoreHr": 0.0221277,
                                "spotPricePerRAMByteHr": 8.307397365570068e-13,
                                "spotPricePerCPUCoreHr": 0.006655
                            "count": 3,
                            "totalMonthlyCost": 72.81711675,
                            "totalRAMGB": 11.25,
                            "totalVCPUs": 3
                    "nodeCount": 3,
                    "monthlySavings": 0.5544532499999946,
                    "totalMonthlyCost": 72.81711675,
                    "requiredRAMGB": 2.2937504053115845,
                    "totalRAMGB": 11.25,
                    "utilizationRAMGB": 0.20388892491658528,
                    "requiredVCPUs": 1.800551426660732,
                    "totalVCPUs": 3,
                    "utilizationVCPUs": 0.6001838088869107
            "parameters": {
                "clusterId": "cluster-one",
                "clusterName": "",
                "staticVCPUs": 1.4105254827890852,
                "staticRAMGB": 1.0523239374160767,
                "nonDaemonSetPodCount": 20,
                "daemonSetVCPUs": 0.13000864795721567,
                "daemonSetRAMGB": 0.41380882263183594,
                "daemonSetCount": 5,
                "maxPodVCPUs": 0.26021418473138547,
                "maxPodRAMGB": 0.13831710815429688
            "preferences": {
                "minNodeCount": 3,
                "strategies": null,
                "targetUtilization": 0.8,
                "allowSharedCore": true,
                "architecture": ""
            "currentClusterInfo": {
                "monthlyRate": 73.37156999999999,
                "nodes": [
                        "name": "e2-medium",
                        "provider": "GCP",
                        "architecture": "x86",
                        "count": 3,
                        "RAMGB": 4,
                        "vCPUs": 1
                "totalCounts": {
                    "totalNodeCount": 3,
                    "totalRAMGB": 12,
                    "totalVCPUs": 3


Receive right-sizing recommendations taking into account cluster activity for the past two weeks, and ideal CPU and RAM utilization for a high availability environment.


Receive recommendations taking into account AWS cluster activity for the past five days, ideal CPU and RAM utilization for a production environment, and allowing shared cores.


Adopting cluster right-sizing recommendations

The Cluster Right-Sizing Recommendation API is not able to directly implement its recommendations. To adopt right-sizing recommendations for your cluster(s), view this section of our Cluster Right-Sizing doc.

Last updated