Filter Parameters (v2)

This document outlines the filtering language added to certain Kubecost APIs, superseding Kubecost's original filtering parameters (e.g. filterNamespaces=), now referred to as v1 filters. v2 filters introduce support for "not equals" (e.g. namespace != kubecost) queries while maintaining extensibility.

v1 filters will continue to be supported in all relevant APIs. APIs will first check for the filter= parameter. If it is present, v2 filters will be used. If it is not present, APIs will attempt to use v1 filters.

Using filters

v2 filters can be used via the filter= parameter in supported APIs. Supported APIs are currently:

Filtering fields

The available fields for filtering depend on the API being queried.

Allocation APIs, Request Sizing v2 API

The supported filter fields are:

  • cluster

  • node

  • namespace

  • controllerName

  • controllerKind (e.g. deployment, daemonset)

  • container

  • pod

  • services

  • label

  • annotation (same syntax as label, see examples)

  • department

  • environment

  • owner

  • product

  • team

Assets API

v2 filter support for /model/assets:

  • name

  • assetType (e.g. node, disk, network, etc.)

  • category (e.g. Compute, Management)

  • cluster

  • project

  • provider

  • providerID

  • account

  • service

  • label

Cloud Costs API

v2 filter support for /model/cloudCost:

  • accountID

  • category

  • invoiceEntityID

  • provider

  • providerID

  • service

  • label

Filter operators

The supported filter operators are:

  • : Equality

    • For string fields (e.g. namespace): equality

    • For slice/array fields (e.g. services): slice contains at least one value equal (equivalent to ~:)

    • For map fields (e.g. labels): map contains key (equivalent to ~:)

  • !: Inequality, or "not contains" if an array type

  • ~: Contains

    • For string fields: contains

    • For slice fields: slice contains at least one value equal (equivalent to :)

    • For map fields: map contains key (equivalent to :)

  • !~: NotContains, inverse of ~:

  • <~: ContainsPrefix

    • For string fields: string starts with

    • For slice fields: slice contains at least one value that starts with

    • For map fields: map contains at least one key that starts with

  • !<~: NotContainsPrefix, inverse of <~:

  • ~>: ContainsSuffix

    • For string fields: strings ends with

    • For slice fields: slice contains at least one value that ends with

    • For map fields: map contains at least one key that ends with

  • !~>: NotContainsSuffix, inverse of ~>:

Filter values are strings surrounded by ". Multiple values can be separated by commas ,.

Individual filters can be joined by + (representing logical AND) or | (representing logical OR). To use + and | in the same filter expression, scope must be denoted via ( and ). See examples.


Here are some example filters to see how the filtering language works:

  • namespace:"kubecost"+container:"cost-model" Return only results that are in the kubecost namespace and are for the cost-model container.

  • cluster:"cluster-one"+label[app]:"cost-analyzer" Return only results in cluster cluster-one that are labeled with app=cost-analyzer.

  • cluster!:"cluster-one" Ignore results from cluster cluster-one

  • namespace:"kubecost","kube-system" Return only results from namespaces kubecost and kube-system.

  • namespace!:"kubecost","kube-system" Return results for all namespaces except kubecost and kube-system.

For example, in an Allocation query:


The format is essentially: <filter field> <filter op> <filter value>

curl -G 'localhost:9090/model/assets' \
    -d 'window=3d' \
    --data-urlencode 'filter=assetType:"disk"'

Formal grammar and implementation

To see the filter language's formal grammar and lexer/parser implementation, check out OpenCost's pkg/filter21/ast.

Last updated