Microsoft Entra ID OIDC Integration for Kubecost

This guide will take you through configuring OIDC for Kubecost using a Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure AD) integration for SSO and RBAC.


Before following this guide, ensure that:

  • Kubecost is already installed

  • Kubecost is accessible via a TLS-enabled ingress

  • You are established as a Cloud Application Administrator in Microsoft. This may otherwise prevent you from accessing certain features required in this tutorial.

Entra ID OIDC configuration

Step 1: Registering your application in Entra ID

  1. In the Microsoft Entra admin center, select Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD).

  2. In the left navigation, select Applications > App registrations. Then, on the App registrations page, select New registration.

  3. Select an appropriate name, and provide supported account types for your app.

  4. To configure Redirect URI, select Web from the dropdown, then provide the URI as https://{your-kubecost-address}/oidc/authorize.

  5. Select Register at the bottom of the page to finalize your changes.

Step 2: Configuring values.yaml

  1. After creating your application, you should be taken directly to the app's Overview page. If not, return to the App registrations page, then select the application you just created.

  2. On the Overview page for your application, obtain the Application (client) ID and the Directory (tenant) ID. These will be needed in a later step.

  3. Next to 'Client credentials', select Add a certificate or secret. The 'Certificates & secrets' page opens.

  4. Select New client secret. Provide a description and expiration time, then select Add.

  5. Obtain the value created with your secret.

  6. Add the three saved values, as well as any other values required relating to your Kubecost/Microsoft account details, into the following values.yaml template:

# values.yaml
  enabled: true
  useIDToken: true
  clientSecret: "{CLIENT_SECRET_VALUE}"
  secretName: "kubecost-oidc-secret"
  authURL: "{YOUR_TENANT_ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={YOUR_CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=openid&nonce=123456"
  loginRedirectURL: "https://{YOUR_KUBECOST_DOMAIN}/oidc/authorize"
  discoveryURL: "{YOUR_TENANT_ID}/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration"
  authURL: "{YOUR_TENANT_ID}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={YOUR_CLIENT_ID}&response_type=code&scope=openid&nonce=123456&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2F{YOUR_KUBECOST_DOMAIN}/oidc/authorize"

Step 3 (optional): Configuring RBAC

First, you need to configure an admin role for your app. For more information on this step, see Microsoft's documentation.

  1. Return to the Overview page for the application you created in Step 1.

  2. Select App roles > Create app role. Provide the following values:

    • Display name: "admin"

    • Allowed member types: "Users/Groups"

    • Value: "admins"

    • Description: "Admins have read/write permissions via the Kubecost frontend" (or provide a custom description as needed)

    • Do you want to enable this app role?: Select the checkbox

  3. Select Apply.

  4. Optionally, repeat the above steps to create a "readonly" role.

Then, you need to attach the role you just created to users and groups.

  1. In the Azure AD left navigation, select Applications > Enterprise applications. Select the application you created in Step 1.

  2. Select Users & groups.

  3. Select Add user/group. Select the desired group. Select the admin role you created, or another relevant role. Then, select Assign to finalize changes.

  4. Update your existing values.yaml with this template:

  enabled: true
  useIDToken: true  # REQUIRED. EntraID communicates roles via id_token.
    enabled: true
      - name: admin
        enabled: true
        claimName: "roles"  # REQUIRED. Set this exact string value.
        claimValues:  # The strings below need to exactly match the "App roles" in Entra ID.
          - "admins"
      - name: readonly
        enabled: true
        claimName: "roles"
          - "readonly"


Option 1: Inspect all network requests made by browser

Use your browser's devtools to observe network requests made between you, your Identity Provider, and Kubecost. Pay close attention to cookies and headers.

Option 2: Review logs, and decode your JWT tokens

Run the following command:

kubectl logs deploy/kubecost-cost-analyzer

Search for oidc in your logs to follow events. Pay attention to any WRN related to OIDC. Search for Token Response, and try decoding both the access_token and id_token to ensure they are well formed. Learn more about JSON web tokens.

Option 3: Enable debug logs for more granularity on what is failing

You can find more details on these flags in Kubecost's cost-analyzer-helm-chart repo README.

    - name: LOG_LEVEL
      value: debug

Option 4: Verify There Are No Optional or Groups Claims Added to the Entra App

To ensure that no Optional Claims are configured for your Microsoft Entra application, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the App Registrations Page:

    • Log in to the Microsoft Entra admin center.

    • Go to App registrations and select the application for which you want to verify the optional claims.

  2. Access Token Configuration:

    • Under the Manage section, select Token configuration.

  3. Check for Optional Claims:

    • In the Token configuration page, look for any entries under Optional claims.

    • Ensure that there are no optional claims added.

  4. Check for Group Claims:

    • Also, verify that there are no group claims configured by checking the Add groups claim section.

Last updated