
This feature is in currently in alpha. Please read the documentation carefully.

Kubecost's Kubescaler implements continuous request right-sizing: the automatic application of Kubecost's high-fidelity recommendations to your containers' resource requests. This provides an easy way to automatically improve your allocation of cluster resources by improving efficiency.

Kubescaler can be enabled and configured on a per-workload basis so that only the workloads you want edited will be edited.


Kubescaler is part of Cluster Controller, and should be configured after the Cluster Controller is enabled.


Kubescaler is configured on a workload-by-workload basis via annotations. Currently, only deployment workloads are supported.

Notable Helm values:

Supported workload types

Kubescaler supports apps/v1 Deployments.

Kubescaler does not support "bare" pods. Learn more in this GitHub issue.


export NS="kubecost"
export DEP="kubecost-cost-analyzer"
export AN_ENABLE="request.autoscaling.kubecost.com/enabled=true"
export AN_FREQ="request.autoscaling.kubecost.com/frequencyMinutes=660"
export AN_TCPU="cpu.request.autoscaling.kubecost.com/targetUtilization=0.9"
export AN_TMEM="memory.request.autoscaling.kubecost.com/targetUtilization=0.9"
export AN_WINDOW="request.autoscaling.kubecost.com/recommendationQueryWindow=3d"

kubectl annotate -n "${NS}" deployment "${DEP}" "${AN_ENABLE}"
kubectl annotate -n "${NS}" deployment "${DEP}" "${AN_FREQ}"
kubectl annotate -n "${NS}" deployment "${DEP}" "${AN_TCPU}"
kubectl annotate -n "${NS}" deployment "${DEP}" "${AN_TMEM}"
kubectl annotate -n "${NS}" deployment "${DEP}" "${AN_WINDOW}"

Kubescaler will take care of the rest. It will apply the best-available recommended requests to the annotated controller every 11 hours. If the recommended requests exceed the current limits, the update is currently configured to set the request to the current limit.

To check current requests for your Deployments, use the following command:

kubectl get deployment -n "kubecost" -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}"deployment/"{.metadata.name}{'\n'}{range .spec.template.spec.containers[*]}{.name}{'\t'}{.resources.requests}{'\n'}{end}{'\n'}{end}"

Last updated