Request Right-Sizing Recommendations

Kubecost Cloud can provide recommendations for right-sizing your container requests to ensure they are as cost-effective as possible. Recommendations are provided for all namespaces within your cluster.

Viewing request recommendations

You can access request right-sizing by selecting Savings in the left navigation, then select the Right-size your container requests panel.

On the Container Request Right-sizing Recommendations page, you will see a table containing all namespaces/controller pairs and the cluster and container associated with each. You will also see the requested and recommended RAM/CPU, the current efficiency, and finally estimated monthly savings by adopting recommendations.

Configuring your recommendations

The displayed right-sizing recommendations are calculated by taking into account your environment profile. You can optionally configure this for more optimal results by selecting Customize above the table.

  • Window: The range of time Kubecost will read for resource activity to determine its recommendations.

  • Profile: Refers to the type of environment. The selected value for Profile may restrict you from customizing certain other values.

    • Production: Stable container activity, will provide some extra space for potential spikes in activity.

    • Development: Container can tolerate small amount of instability, will run somewhat close to capacity.

    • High availability: Container should avoid instability at all costs, will size container with lots of extra space to account for unexpected spikes in activity.

  • CPU/RAM recommendation algorithm: The algorithm used to compute the recommendations. Currently, the only supported option is Percentile.

  • CPU/RAM target utilization: These can be set to limit recommended utilization of resources below a percentage threshold.

  • CPU/RAM percentile: Percentage of data points that will be sampled within your window range. Outlier data will be filtered out when determining recommendations.

  • Add Filters: Filter the table of namespaces/controllers to be equal or not equal to values of one or several different categories such as cluster, label, or pod. For example, if you want to only see namespace/cluster pairs within the namespace kube-system, select Namespace from the first dropdown, select Equals from the second dropdown, then provide the value "kube-system" in the text box. Select the plus icon to confirm your filter. Multiple filters can be applied.

Select Save to confirm your customization. The table should update accordingly.

Last updated