Kubecost Cloud Architecture Overview
Kubecost Cloud uses an agent to gather metrics and send them to our SaaS platform. The agent requires an Agent package and a daemonSet:
Kubecost Agent package
Cost-model: Provides cost allocation calculations and metrics, reads from and scraped by Prometheus server.
Prometheus server: Short-term time-series data store (14 days or less)
ConfigMap-Reload: Updates Prometheus when changes are made.
Network costs DaemonSet
Used to allocate costs to the workload responsible for egress costs
Enabled on install (to learn how to uninstall the DaemonSet, see below)
Architecture overview
Disabling the network costs DaemonSet
The network costs DaemonSet will be installed to your Kubecost Cloud by default, however you can manually disable it by running this Helm upgrade command:
Remember to provide your correct agent key and cluster ID in the below example code block.
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