Allocation Trends API

GET http://<your-kubecost-address>/model/allocation/trends

Analyzes change in total cost of allocations relative to a previous window of the same size

Path Parameters






Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: cluster, namespace, controllerKind, controller, service, node, pod, label:<name>, and annotation:<name>. Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like namespace,label:app.



When set to false, returns daily time series data vs. cumulative data. Default is true.



If true, include external costs in each allocation. Default is false.



If true, include idle cost (i.e. the cost of the un-allocated assets) as its own allocation. Default is true.



Comma-separated list of namespaces to match; e.g. namespace-one,namespace-two will return results from only those two namespaces.



If true, idle cost is allocated proportionally across all non-idle allocations, per-resource. That is, idle CPU cost is shared with each non-idle allocation's CPU cost, according to the percentage of the total CPU cost represented. Default is false.



Comma-separated list of namespaces to share; e.g. kube-system, kubecost will share the costs of those two namespaces with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations.



Comma-separated list of labels to share; e.g. env:staging, app:test will share the costs of those two label values with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations.



Floating-point value representing a monthly cost to share with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations; e.g. 30.42 ($1.00/day == $30.42/month) for the query yesterday (1 day) will split and distribute exactly $1.00 across the allocations. Default is 0.0.



If true, share the cost of cluster overhead assets such as cluster management costs and node attached volumes across tenants of those resources. Results are added to the sharedCost field. Both cluster management and attached volumes are shared by cluster. Default is true.



If true, idle allocations are created on a per node basis, which will result in different values when shared and more idle allocations when split. Default is false.



If true, and shareIdle == false, idle allocations are created on a per cluster or per node basis rather than being aggregated into a single idle allocation. Default is false.



If true, pulls data from the Assets cache and corrects prices of Allocations according to their related Assets. The corrections from this process are stored in each cost categories cost adjustment field. If the integration with your cloud provider's billing data has been set up, this will result in the most accurate costs for Allocations. Default is true.



Duration of a single allocation set. If unspecified, this defaults to the window, so that you receive exactly one set for the entire window. If specified, it works chronologically backward, querying in durations of step until the full window is covered.

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "step": 86400000000000,
        "sets": [
                "allocationTrends": {
                    "__idle__": {
                        "trends": {
                            "costs": {
                                "totalCost": {
                                    "relativeChange": {
                                        "isInfinite": false,
                                        "isNaN": false,
                                        "value": -0.023189249723331362
                    "window": {
                    "start": "2022-01-31T19:00:00Z",
                    "end": "2023-02-01T19:00:00Z"

GET http://<your-kubecost-address>/model/allocation/trends

Analyzes change in allocated costs relative to a previous window of the same size. This Allocation Trends API should only be consulted for users who have configured [Kubecost Aggregator](/install-and-configure/install/multi-cluster/federated-etl/

Path Parameters








Field by which to aggregate the results. Accepts: cluster, namespace, controllerKind, controller, service, node, pod, label:<name>, and annotation:<name>. Also accepts comma-separated lists for multi-aggregation, like namespace,label:app.



When set to false, returns daily time series data vs. cumulative data. Default is true.



If true, include external costs in each allocation. Default is false.



If true, include idle cost (i.e. the cost of the un-allocated assets) as its own allocation. Default is true.



Comma-separated list of namespaces to match; e.g. namespace-one,namespace-two will return results from only those two namespaces.



If true, idle cost is allocated proportionally across all non-idle allocations, per-resource. That is, idle CPU cost is shared with each non-idle allocation's CPU cost, according to the percentage of the total CPU cost represented. Default is false.



Comma-separated list of namespaces to share; e.g. kube-system, kubecost will share the costs of those two namespaces with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations.



Comma-separated list of labels to share; e.g. env:staging, app:test will share the costs of those two label values with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations.



Floating-point value representing a monthly cost to share with the remaining non-idle, unshared allocations; e.g. 30.42 ($1.00/day == $30.42/month) for the query yesterday (1 day) will split and distribute exactly $1.00 across the allocations. Default is 0.0.



If true, share the cost of cluster overhead assets such as cluster management costs and node attached volumes across tenants of those resources. Results are added to the sharedCost field. Both cluster management and attached volumes are shared by cluster. Default is true.



If true, idle allocations are created on a per node basis, which will result in different values when shared and more idle allocations when split. Default is false.



If true, and shareIdle == false, idle allocations are created on a per cluster or per node basis rather than being aggregated into a single idle allocation. Default is false.



If true, pulls data from the Assets cache and corrects prices of Allocations according to their related Assets. The corrections from this process are stored in each cost categories cost adjustment field. If the integration with your cloud provider's billing data has been set up, this will result in the most accurate costs for Allocations. Default is true.

    "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "step": ,
        "sets": [
                "allocationTrends": {
                    "aggregator": {
                        "trends": {
                            "costs": {
                                "totalCost": {
                                    "relativeChange": {
                                        "isInfinite": false,
                                        "isNaN": false,
                "window": {
                    "start": "",
                    "end": ""

Calculating trend value

The Allocation Trends API determines changes in resource cost usage over time based on the interval set window parameter and provides that information via the schema field value. Cost usage for the current window sampled will be compared with the previous window, the window directly before the current window of the same size interval. For example, for window=3d, Kubecost will output cost usage for the past three days compared to cost usage of the three days before the start of the window. This means a total of six days of allocation data must be available and sampled in order to provide an accurate value.

The equation for calculating value is: value=current/previous - 1

Receiving a positive value means your more recent totalCost has increased compared to the previous window. A negative value means spending has decreased.

It's important to recognize when a resource is not detected to exist in the previous window. This is designated by the field IsInfinite=true, which means the allocation could not be determined to exist. Otherwise, the cause of an unexpected or major trend change could be misattributed. The field isNaN, meaning not a number, refers to if the value is unreal. If so, isNan should return true, which means there was an error during calculation. Both fields should return false during a successful query.

In the example output below, value is expressed as -0.27..., meaning spending has decreased in the current window by roughly 27% from the previous window.

                "allocationTrends": {
                    "aggregator": {
                        "trends": {
                            "costs": {
                                "totalCost": {
                                    "relativeChange": {
                                        "isInfinite": false,
                                        "isNaN": false,
                                        "value": -0.2786223889995989

Using the names parameter

names is a mandatory parameter which determines the sequence of items returned, based on whatever the query is aggregating by. For example, when using aggregate=namespace, the user should provide a comma-separated list of all namespaces they wish to see trend values for in this category. In this case, they should provide names=kubecost,aggregator,kube-system... to receive a list of trend values for all provided namespaces as ordered. If the user does not provide a value for aggregate, they must still use the names parameter to list all line items requested.

Viewing trend percentages in the UI

Trend values are converted into percentages in the Kubecost Allocations page, calculated based on your current query. Trends will be presented in the rightmost column, next to your Total cost. The window parameter is determined by your selected date range in the top right of the page. The default is Last 7 days (window=7d). The equation value*100 is used to provide percentages.

Requests with large time intervals for window can result in an error. The recommended maximum interval for window is 7 days. A failed response will show a N/A inside a gray bubble in the UI with no percentage returned.

The Trends API does not currently support cost comparisons besides totalCost.

Last updated