Advanced Reporting

Advanced Reporting is a beta feature. Read the documentation carefully.

Advanced Reporting allows teams to sculpt and tailor custom reports to easily view the information they care about. Providing an intersection between Kubernetes allocation and cloud assets data, this tool provides insight into important cost considerations for both workload and external infrastructure costs.

Creating an advanced report

Begin by accessing the Reports page. Select Create a report, then select Advanced Report. The Advanced Reporting page opens.

Advanced Reporting will display your Allocations data and allow for similar configuring and editing. However, that data can now also intersect your cloud service, provider, or accounts.

Some line items will display a magnifying lens icon next to the name. Selecting this icon will provide a Cloud Breakdown which compares Kubernetes costs and out-of-cluster (OOC) costs. You will also see OOC costs broken down by cloud service provider (CSP).

Configuring a report

The Advanced Reporting page manages the configurations which make up a report. Review the following tools which specify your query:

The Service aggregation in this context refers to a Kubernetes object that exposes an interface to outside consumers, not a CSP feature.

Editing your report

Selecting Edit will open a slide panel with additional configuration options.


When a filter is applied, only results matching that value will display.

Shared resources

Field to handle default and custom shared resources (adjusted on the Settings page). Configure custom shared overhead costs, namespaces, and labels

Saving your report

After completing all configurations for your report, select Save. A name for your report based on your configuration will be auto-generated, but you have the option to provide a custom name. Finalize by selecting Save.

Reports can be saved via your organization like Allocations and Assets reports, instead of locally.

Cloud Breakdown

Line items that possess any out-of-cluster (OOC) costs, ie. cloud costs, will display a magnifying lens icon next to their name. Selecting this icon will open a slide panel that compares your K8s and OOC costs.

You can choose to aggregate those OOC costs by selecting the Cloud Breakdown button next to Aggregate By then selecting from one of the available options. You can aggregate by Provider, Service, Account, or use Custom Data Mapping to override default label mappings.

Last updated