Budget API

The Budget API allows you to create, update, and delete recurring budget rules to control your Kubernetes spending. Weekly and monthly budgets can be established on workloads to set limits on cost spend, with the option to configure alerts for reaching specified budget thresholds via email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams.

Budget API

POST http://<your-kubecost-address>/model/budget

Creates a recurring budget rule or updates a recurring budget rule when provided the ID of the existing rule.

Request Body




Name of the budget rule



Budget type. Accepts allocations, asset, cloud or collections



Used for specifying the workload category and name(s) for which the budget rule is applied, in the form of a key-value pair. The keys represent the workload category, while each value is a list containing one or more names.



The interval that the budget will reset with (either weekly or monthly).



The day the budget will reset. When interval=weekly, intervalDay is the day of the week, with intervalDay=0 for Sunday, intervalDay=1 for Monday, etc. When interval=monthly, intervalDay corresponds to the day of the month.



The budget limit value.



Only should be used when updating a budget rule; ID of the budget rule being modified. For more info, see the Using the id parameter section below.



Optional configurations for providing visibility when your budget exceeds a specified percentage threshold. This parameter can generate emails, and Slack or Microsoft Teams messages to suit your work environment. For more information, see the Using Budget Actions section below.

    "code": 200,
    "data": [
            "name": "<budget name>",
            "type": "<budget type>",
            "id": "<budget id>",
            "values": {
                "<category1>": [
            "kind": "",
            "interval": "",
            "intervalDay": ,
            "spendLimit": ,
            "actions": [
                    "amount": 0,
                    "percentage": 1,
                    "slackWebhooks": [],
                    "msTeamsWebhooks": [],
                    "emails": [],
                    "lastFired": ""
            "window": {
                "start": "",
                "end": ""

Get recurring budget rule(s)

GET http://<your-kubecost-address>/model/budgets

Lists all existing recurring budget rules

    "code": 200,
    "data": [
            "name": "<budget name>",
            "type": "<budget type>",
            "id": "<budget id>",
            "values": {
                "<category1>": [
            "kind": "",
            "interval": "",
            "intervalDay": "",
            "spendLimit": "",
            "actions": [
                    "percentage": 1,
                    "slackWebhooks": [],
                    "msTeamsWebhooks": [],
                    "emails": [],
                    "lastFired": ""
            "window": {
                "start": "",
                "end": ""
            "currentSpend": 0.0

Delete recurring budget rule

DELETE https://<your-kubecost-address>/model/deleteBudget

Deletes a budget rule defined by id

Path Parameters




ID of the recurring budget rule to be deleted

    "code": 200,
    "data": []

Formatting parameters when creating/updating budget rules

Creating and updating recurring budget rules uses POST requests, which will require submitting a JSON object in the body of your request instead of adding parameters directly into the path (such as when deleting a recurring budget rule). See the Examples section below for more information on formatting your requests.

Using the id parameter

The id parameter when using the endpoint /budget is considered optional, but its use will vary depending on whether you want to create or update a budget rule.

When creating a new budget rule, id should not be used. An ID for the budget rule will then be randomly generated in the response. When updating an existing budget rule, id needs to be used to identify which budget rule you want to modify, even if you only have one existing rule.

The id value of your recurring budget is needed to update or delete it. If you don't have the id value saved, you can retrieve it using /budgets, which will generate all existing budgets and their respective id values.

Using Budget Actions

You can configure greater visibility towards tracking your budgets using the actions parameter, which will allow you to create alerts for when your budget spend has passed a specified percentage threshold, and send those alerts to you or your team via email, Slack, or Microsoft Teams.

When providing values for actions, percentage refers to the percentage of spendLimit which will result in an alert. For example, if "spendLimit": 2000 is configured for a weekly budget rule and "percentage": 50 is configured, an alert will be sent to all listed emails/webhooks if spending surpasses $1000 USD for the week.

"actions" : [
                "percentage": 100,
                "slackWebhooks": [
                    "<example Slack webhook>"
                "emails": [
                "msTeamsWebhooks": [
                    "<example Teams webhook>"

Configuring currency

Kubecost supports configuration of the following currency types: USD, AUD, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, DKK, EUR, GBP, IDR, INR, JPY, NOK, PLN, and SEK. Kubecost does not perform any currency conversion when switching currency types; it is for display purposes, therefore you should ideally match your currency type to the type in your original cloud bill(s).

Currency type can only be changed via a helm upgrade to your values.yaml, using the flag .Values.kubecostProductConfigs.currencyCode. For example, if you needed to convert your currency type to EUR, you would modify the helm flag as:

    currencyCode: EUR


Create a recurring budget rule for my test cluster which resets every Wednesday with a budget of $100.00 USD, and will send an alert via email when spending has exceeded 75% of the spend limit.

curl --location '<your-kubecost-address>/model/budget' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "name": "budget-rule",
        "type": "allocations",
        "values": {
        "kind": "soft",
        "interval": "weekly",
        "intervalDay": 3,
        "spendLimit": 100,
        "actions" : [
                "percentage": 75,
                "emails": [

Create a recurring budget rule for my kubecost namespace which resets on the 1st of every month with a budget of $400.00 USD, and will send an alert via Slack and Microsoft Teams when spending has exceeded $100.00 of the spend limit.

curl --location '<your-kubecost-address>/model/budget' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
        "name": "budget-rule-2",
        "type": "allocations",
        "values": {
        "kind": "soft",
        "interval": "monthly",
        "intervalDay": 1,
        "spendLimit": 400,
        "actions" : [
                "percentage": 25,
                "slackWebhooks": [
                    "<example Slack webhook>"
                "msTeamsWebhooks": [
                    "<example Teams webhook>"

Use cases

For an example use case on how to use budgets to achieve proactive cost control, see here.

Last updated