For teams interested in reducing their Kubernetes costs, it's beneficial to first understand how provisioned resources have been used. There are two major concepts to start with: pod resource efficiency and cluster idle costs.
Pod resource efficiency is defined as the resource utilization versus the resource request over a given time window. It is cost-weighted and can be expressed as follows:
(((CPU Usage / CPU Requested) * CPU Cost) + ((RAM Usage / RAM Requested) * RAM Cost)) / (RAM Cost + CPU Cost)
where CPU Usage = rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total) over the time window RAM Usage = avg(container_memory_working_set_bytes) over the time window
For example, if a pod is requesting 2CPU and 1GB, using 500mCPU and 500MB, CPU on the node costs $10/CPU, and RAM on the node costs $1/GB, we have ((0.5/2) * 20 + (0.5/1) * 1) / (20 + 1) = 5.5 / 21 = 26%
Cluster idle cost is defined as the difference between the cost of allocated resources and the cost of the hardware they run on. Allocation is defined as the max of usage and requests. It can also be expressed as follows:
idle_cost = sum(cluster_cost) - (cpu_allocation_cost + ram_allocation_cost + gpu_allocation_cost)
where allocation = max(request, usage)
Node idle cost can be expressed as:
idle_cost = sum(node_cost) - (cpu_allocation_cost + ram_allocation_cost + gpu_allocation_cost)
where allocation = max(request, usage)
So, idle costs can also be thought of as the cost of the space that the Kubernetes scheduler could schedule pods, without disrupting any existing workloads, but it is not currently.
Idle can be charged back to pods on a cost-weighted basis or viewed as a separate line item. As an example, consider the following representations:
[ ... ] = cluster
( ... ) = node
wN = workload
-- = idle capacity
Then, a cluster might look like:
[ ( w1, w2, w3, w4, --, --), (w5, --, --, --, --, --) ]
In total, there are 12 units of resources, and idle can be shared as follows:
Separate: In this single cluster across two nodes, there are 7 total idles.
Share By Node: The first node has 4 resources used and 2 idle. The second node has 1 resource used and 5 idle. If you share idle by node, then w1-4 will share 2 idles, and w5 will get 5 idles.
Share By Cluster: The single cluster has 5 resources used and 7 idle. If you share idle by cluster, then w1-5 will share the 7 idles.
If for example you are aggregating by namespace, idle costs will be distributed to each namespace proportional to how much that namespace costs. Specifically:
namespace_cpu_idle_cost = (namespace_cpu_cost / (total_cpu_cost - idle_cpu_cost)) * idle_cpu_cost
This same principle applies for ram, and also applies to any aggregation that is used (e.g. Deployment, Label, Service, Team).
The most common pattern for cost reduction is to ensure service owners tune the efficiency of their pods, and ensure cluster owners scale resources to appropriately minimize idle.
Efficiency targets can depend on the SLAs of the application. See our Request Right-Sizing API doc for more details.
It's recommended to target idle in the following ranges:
CPU: 50%-65%
Memory: 45%-60%
Storage: 65%-80%
Target figures are highly dependent on the predictability and distribution of your resource usage (e.g. P99 vs median), the impact of high utilization on your core product/business metrics, and more. While too low resource utilization is wasteful, too high utilization can lead to latency increases, reliability issues, and other negative behavior.
This document describes how Kubecost calculates network costs.
Kubecost uses best-effort to allocate network transfer costs to the workloads generating those costs. The level of accuracy has several factors described below.
There are two primary factors when determining how network costs are calculated:
Network costs DaemonSet: Must be enabled in order to view network costs
Cloud integration: Optional, allows for accurate cloud billing information
A default installation of Kubecost will use the onDemand rates for internet egress and proportionally assign those costs by pod using the metric container_network_transmit_bytes_total
. This is not exactly the same as costs obtained via the network costs DaemonSet, but will be approximately similar.
When you enable the network costs DaemonSet, Kubecost has the ability to attribute the network-byte traffic to specific pods. This will allow the most accurate cost distribution, as Kubecost has per-pod metrics for source and destination traffic.
Learn how to enable the network costs DaemonSet in seconds here.
Kubecost uses cloud integration to pull actual cloud provider billing information. Without enabling cloud integration, these prices will be based on public onDemand pricing.
Cloud providers allocate data transfers as line-items on a per-node basis. Kubecost will allocate network transfer costs based on each pod's share of container_network_transmit_bytes_total
of its node.
This will result in a accurate node-based costs. However, it is only estimating the actual pod/application responsible for the network-transfer costs.
Enabling both cloud-integration and the networkCosts DaemonSet allows Kubecost to give the most accurate data transfer costs to each pod.
At this time, there is a minor limitation where Kubecost cannot determine accurate costs for pods that use hostNetwork. These pods, today, will share all costs with the costs with the node.
This section of the docs will break down how to navigate the Kubecost UI. The UI is composed of several primary dashboards which provide cost visualization, as well as multiple savings and governance tools. Below is the main Overview page, which contains several helpful panels for observing workload stats and trends.
The Clusters dashboard provides a list of all your monitored clusters, as well as additional clusters detected in your cloud bill. The dashboard provides details about your clusters including cost, efficiency, and cloud provider. You are able to filter your list of clusters by when clusters were last seen, activity status, and by name (see below).
Monitoring of multiple clusters is only supported in Kubecost Enterprise plans. Learn more about Kubecost Enterprise's multi-cluster view here.
To enable the Clusters dashboard, you must perform these two steps:
Enable cloud integration for any and all cloud service providers you wish to view clusters with
Enable Cloud Costs
Enabling Cloud Costs through Helm can be done using the following parameters:
Clusters are primarily distinguished into three categories:
Clusters monitored by Kubecost (green circle next to cluster name)
Clusters not monitored by Kubecost (yellow circle next to cluster name)
Inactive clusters (gray circle next to cluster name)
For detail on how Kubecost identifies clusters, see Cloud Cost Metrics.
Monitored clusters are those that have cost metrics which will appear within your other Monitoring dashboards, like Allocations and Assets. Unmonitored clusters are clusters whose existence is determined from cloud integration, but haven't been added to Kubecost. Inactive clusters are clusters Kubecost once monitored, but haven't reported data over a certain period of time. This time period is three hours for Thanos-enabled clusters, and one hour for non-Thanos clusters.
Efficiency and Last Seen metrics are only provided for monitored clusters.
Efficiency is calculated as the amount of node capacity that is used, compared to what is available.
Selecting any metric in a specific cluster's row will take you to a Cluster Details page for that cluster which provides more extensive metrics, including assets and namespaces associated with that cluster and their respective cost metrics.
You are able to filter clusters through a window of when all clusters were last seen (default is Last 7 days). Although unmonitored clusters will not provide a metric for Last Seen, they will still appear in applicable windows.
You can also filter your clusters for Active, Inactive, or Unmonitored status, and search for clusters by name.
The Kubecost Allocations dashboard allows you to quickly see allocated spend across all native Kubernetes concepts, e.g. namespace, k8s label, and service. It also allows for allocating cost to organizational concepts like team, product/project, department, or environment. This document explains the metrics presented and describes how you can control the data displayed in this view.
Kubecost provides a variety of options for configuring your allocations queries to view the information you need. Below is a table of the major configuration options, with in-depth explanations in this article for how they work.
Select the date range of the report, called the window, by setting specific start and end dates, or by using one of the preset options. You can use Select Start and Select End to establish custom date ranges as well.
Step size refers to the length of time of each group of data displayed on your dashboard across the window. Options are Default, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Quarterly. When retaining long periods of data through custom configurations (such as Prometheus), consider using larger step sizes to avoid potential display errors. The step size when selecting Default is dependent on the size of your window.
Here you can aggregate cost by namespace, deployment, service, and other native Kubernetes concepts. While selecting Single Aggregation, you will only be able to select one concept at a time. While selecting Multi Aggregation, you will be able to filter for multiple concepts at the same time.
Service in this context refers to a Kubernetes object that exposes an interface to outside consumers.
When aggregating by namespace, the Allocations dashboard will only display namespaces that have or have had workloads running in them. If you don't see a namespace on this dashboard, you should confirm whether the namespace is running a workload.
To find what pods are not part of the relevant label set, you can either apply an __unallocated__
label filter in this allocation view or explore variations of the following kubectl commands:
The Edit icon has additional options for configuring your query such as how to display your data, adding filters, and configuring shared resources.
As an example, if your cluster is only 25% utilized, as measured by the max of resource usage and requests, applying idle costs would proportionately increase the cost of each pod/namespace/deployment by 4x. This feature can be enabled by default in Settings.
The idle costs dropdown allows you to choose how you wish your idle costs to be displayed:
Hide: Hide idle costs completely.
Separate: Idle costs appear as their own cost, visualized as a gray-colored bar in your display table.
Share By Cluster: Idle costs are grouped by the cluster they belong to.
Share By Node: Idle costs are grouped by the node they belong to.
View Allocation data in the following formats:
Cost: Total cost per aggregation over date range
Cost over time: Cost per aggregation broken down over days or hours depending on date range
Efficiency over time: Shows resource efficiency over given date range
Proportional cost: Cost per aggregate displayed as a percentage of total cost over date range
Cost Treemap: Hierarchically structured view of costs in current aggregation
You can select Edit > Chart > Cost over time from the dropdown to have your data displayed on a per-day basis. Hovering over any day's data will provide a breakdown of your spending.
View either cumulative or run rate costs measured over the selected time window based on the resources allocated.
Cumulative Cost: represents the actual/historical spend captured by the Kubecost agent over the selected time window
Rate metrics: Monthly, daily, or hourly "run rate" cost, also used for projected cost figures, based on samples in the selected time window
Costs allocations are based on the following:
Resources allocated, i.e. max of resource requests and usage
The cost of each resource
The amount of time resources were provisioned
Filter resources by namespace, clusterID, and/or Kubernetes label to more closely investigate a rise in spend or key cost drivers at different aggregations such as deployments or pods. When a filter is applied, only resources with this matching value will be shown. These filters are also applied to external out-of-cluster (OOC) asset tags. Supported filters are as follows:
Comma-separated lists are supported to filter by multiple categories, e.g. namespace filter equals kube-system,kubecost
. Wild card filters are also supported, indicated by a * following the filter, e.g. namespace=kube*
to return any namespace beginning with kube
Select how shared costs set on the settings page will be shared among allocations. Pick from default shared resources, or select a custom shared resource. A custom shared resource can be selected in the Configure custom shared resources feature at the bottom of the Edit window.
The three horizontal dots icon (directly next to Save) will provide additional options for handling your report:
Open Report: Allows you to open one of your saved reports without first navigating to the Reports page
Alerts: Send one of four reports routinely: recurring, efficiency, budget, and spend change
Download CSV: Download your current report as a CSV file
Download PDF: Download your current report as a PDF file
Cost allocation metrics are available for both in-cluster and OOC resources:
The rightmost column in the Allocations metrics table allows you to perform additional actions on individual line items (functionality will vary based on how you aggregate):
Inspect: Opens an advanced cost overview of the namespace in a new tab.
Inspect Shared Costs: Opens an advanced cost overview of your shared costs in a new tab.
Costs aggregations are also visible by other meaningful organizational concepts, e.g. Team, Department, and Product. These aggregations are based on Kubernetes labels, referenced at both the pod and namespace-level, with labels at the pod-level being favored over the namespace label when both are present. The Kubernetes label name used for these concepts can be configured in Settings or in after setting kubecostProductConfigs.labelMappingConfigs.enabled
to true
. Workloads without the relevant label will be shown as __unallocated__
Kubernetes annotations can also be used for cost allocation purposes, but this requires enabling a Helm flag. . To see the annotations, you must add them to the label groupings via Settings or in . Annotations will not work as one-off Labels added into reports directly, they will only work when added to the label groups in Settings or within the .
Allocating proportionately distributes slack or idle cluster costs to tenants. Idle refers to resources that are provisioned but not being fully used or requested by a tenant.
To learn more about sharing idle costs, see .
For more information, refer to the .
You can also implement more advanced forms of filtering to include or exclude values including prefixes or suffixes for any of the above categories in the table. Selecting the filtering dropdown (default Equals) will show you all available filtering options. These are reflective of Kubecost's .
View Right-Sizing: Opens the page in a new tab.
Date Range
Will report Last 7 days by default. Manually select your start and end date, or choose a preset option
Aggregate By
Aggregate costs by one or several concepts. Add custom labels
Save or unsave the current report
Includes multiple filtering tools including cost metric and shared resources
Additional options icon
Additional options for opening and downloading reports
Limit results to workloads in a set of clusters with matching IDs. Note: clusterID is passed in values at install-time.
Limit results to workloads where the node name is filtered for.
Limit results to workloads in a set of Kubernetes namespaces.
Limit results to workloads with matching Kubernetes labels. Namespace labels are applied to all of its workloads. Supports filtering by __unallocated__
field as well.
Limit results to workloads based on Kubernetes service name.
Limit results to workloads based on Kubernetes controller name.
Limit results to workloads based on Kubernetes controller (Daemonset, Deployment, Job, Statefulset, Replicaset, etc) type.
Limit results to workloads where the Kubernetes pod name is filtered for.
The total cost of CPU allocated to this object, e.g. namespace or deployment. The amount of CPU allocated is the greater of CPU usage and CPU requested over the measured time window. The price of allocated CPU is based on cloud billing APIs or custom pricing sheets. Learn more.
The cost of GPUs requested by this object, as measured by resource limits. Prices are based on cloud billing prices or custom pricing sheets for on-prem deployments. Learn more.
The total cost of memory allocated to this object, e.g. namespace or deployment. The amount of memory allocated is the greater of memory usage and memory requested over the measured time window. The price of allocated memory is based on cloud billing APIs or custom pricing sheets. Learn more
Persistent Volume (PV) Cost
The cost of persistent storage volumes claimed by this object. Prices are based on cloud billing prices or custom pricing sheets for on-prem deployments.
The cost of network traffic based on internet egress, cross-zone egress, and other billed transfer. Note: these costs must be enabled. Learn more. When Network Traffic Cost are not enabled, the Node network costs from the cloud service provider's billing integration will be spread proportionally based on cost weighted usage.
Load Balancer (LB) cost
The cost of cloud-service load balancer that has been allocated.
The cost of shared resources allocated to this tenant. This field covers shared overhead, shared namespaces, and shared labels. Can be explored further via Inspect Shared Costs. Idle costs are not included in Shared costs.
Cost Efficiency
The percentage of requested CPU & memory dollars utilized over the measured time window. Values range from 0 to above 100 percent. Workloads with no requests but with usage OR workloads with usage > request can report efficiency above 100%.